Ok, so you see the live sky camera, but what are you looking for? What are you looking at? What will the camera actually show doing an aurora event?

The 180-degree sky camera is an 8k camera made up of 2 X 4K cameras. The 2 images are stitched together and set to collect color images only. This means, it will capture the beautiful colors of the northern lights. Since the camera angle is so wide, it’s difficult to position the camera to capture solely the sky, unless it’s mounted at a high elevation. This explains why land is visible on both ends of the image. Seeing this land also provides a perspective of distance of sky events.

The following images are examples of various conditions captured by the 180-degreee camera. These samples provide insight and expectations on different events.

180-degree sky camera
reolink banner 180-degree duo 3 Camera


A sunny day showing the exact placement of the camera in relation to the sky

180 degree example daytime

The moon is up and a faint aurora is visible on the left, towards the north east

180 degree example moon and aurora

A totally cloudy night where nothing is visible

180-degree example cloudy night

The amazing aurora display on Oct 7, 2024 (the camera is in a different location)

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