green statusLive Calgary Sky Camera – 360-degrees – North on top (Animation of latest 10 frames)

  • 360 start image animation

Welcome to the AB Sly View’s 360-degree sky camera. This animation of the last 10 photos provides a look at the current sky and weather conditions just north of the Calgary airport YYC. The camera takes a new image every few minutes. During an aurora event, the camera will refresh more frequently. This camera will display a color image in and day and black and white by night. The time/date stamp is mountain time. Please refresh this page to see the latest live sequence of images. Keep in mind, events or objects near the horizon will be small with this camera.

Not sure how to interpret this camera? Check out our 360-degree camera interpretation guide with some great examples.

Check out our 180-degree live color sky camera!

180-degree Sky Cameras with thumb 25percent